Home Page


this is my personal website, where I share my creative endeavors, parts of myself, and things I just like. I am an aspiring author, which means that once I'm published, this website will be far more about that than anything else. for now, it is very much under construction!

About Me

a pixel art avatar of the webmaster, a grinning genderqueer person that has shaggy brown hair, a letterman jacket with clouds on it, and porcelain skin with pink painted on the lower lip and cheeks like a doll

Name: Casper M. Valentine

Pronouns: he/hym/hys

Age: mid-twenties

Location: Northeast USA

Pets: Rosemary (retired service dog, Catahoula mix)

Hobbies: writing, drawing, reading, playing video games, website coding, game development, collecting plushies

Misc: genderqueer, plural, mad, leftist with a focus on prison/police/psychiatric abolition

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Favorite Fiction Books: The Collection (Topside Press), Bound in Flesh (Ghoulish Books), The Evening Hour (Carter Sickels)

Favorite Non-Fiction Books: Confessions of a Sociopath (M.E. Thomas), The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel van der Kolk)

Favorite Games: the Zero Escape series, Telltale's The Walking Dead

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how did you create the theme switcher?

I had someone help me and regularly referenced the developer resources on Mozilla.org, which is on the links page. I haven't been able to find a tutorial that does it the exact same way I did, but my script essentially just swaps the URL for the CSS stylesheet that comes with Neocities pages by default with another stylesheet I created for each additional theme. the selector is done through use of the <select> tag, which you can find a tutorial for on W3 Schools. if I have to explain it more than that I will Explode

how do you create pixel art?

there are defintely better ways to create pixel art, but I hate change, so I use the legacy brush in Paint Tool SAI and a lot of clipping masks. for dithering, I use Dither Machine, and for scaling the final piece, I use the pixel art scaler on Lospec. links for all that can be found on the links page.