Rebecca Pride

an illustration of a black woman with an excited smile, red lipstick, and fluffy, dark brown hair holding the bisexual flag over her head and jumping in the air. she is wearing a blue jumpsuit with a matching belt, white boots, and a pearl necklace

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Comments: while not as far-off as the term coinage and flag design for demisexuality, the bisexual flag was actually created more than twenty years after when I set the story of unfinished webcomic Rebecca original came from. the overlapping triangles symbol was created earlier, but by earlier, I mean one decade later rather than two.

I had a tendency to make a bunch of characters bisexual when I wanted them to be queer, but didn't have any ideas about in what way. Rebecca's orientation was never gonna come up in that unfinished webcomic, which is something I think is pretty lame now. I have no reason to hide my character's queerness—even if the story isn't about them, there are ways to let the audience know. nowadays, I'm a little more creative about what flavor of queer they are, too.